Sunday, November 8, 2015

Beautiful World

A beautiful cool crisp morning here in Colorado with Lone Cone peak in the background.

We live in a beautiful world. Beauty is all around us we just choose to block it out. Beauty is not just physical appearance it's much deeper than physical appearance.We know beauty without having to learn it.We can't define it but the more we appreciate it the more beautiful it becomes. No matter what's going on in your life make the decision today to put it behind you for a few moments. Stop relax and take in the beauty that's around you. It's a gift we can give to our self and no one can take it away. Beauty can relax, inspire and energize us.We live in a world surrounded by beauty so reach out and grab it today. Except it for what it is and dig even deeper. Beauty is often found in things that seem very ordinary and plain. Sometimes we must dig deeper to discover the true beauty. Take nothing for granted and cherish every moment. Slow down a bit and look at what's going on around you, a beautiful world in deed. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. This will be the last thought for a week as I will be away from the computer for a well needed break. Thank You for visiting my thought today.

God Bless

Monday, November 2, 2015

Life Is Risky

A Beautiful Fall Colorado Day.

Life is risky in deed, but this is what makes it so valuable. With everything we do there are risks involved day in and day out. But that's OK because we have the tools to work through any situation that might arise. By working through the risks we will create value. With value comes great achievements that propel us upward and forward. Accept the risks and follow it through to the end, you won't be disappointed. With excepting the risk there will surely be some setbacks along the way. That's OK, learn from the mistakes and keep excepting the risks. Learn to except the risks and transform them into great achievements. With every obstacle you will create value and value leads to success. Take positive action and you will succeed one risk at a time. Continue the forward progress and you will find success. Don't try to take short cuts, this will only put you further behind. No one said life was going to be easy but except the risk and you will be on your way. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. I hope everyone will step up this week and take the risk and reap the rewards.

God Bless