Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Self Determination

A beautiful Monarch Butterfly watching us fish yesterday. Notice the smaller butterfly and bee in the picture.

When things go wrong we often doubt ourselves, seek pity or blame others. Life will change and sometimes in a bad way, but you don't have to add your own negative energy to the situation. Take all that negative energy, anger and resentment and transform it into self determination. When something goes wrong, fix it or get away from it. Stop blaming and excusing, start building and achieving. You're capable and worthy of rising to the top, so use some self determination and start doing so. Be clear on what you intend to do and make the commitment to stay on track. Use some self determination to raise your performance and your status. Don't let the bumps in the road slow you down. When things go wrong that's your opportunity to make life better, to better yourself and others around you.  What do you have to loose after all? Set your world on fire with some self determination and you will soon be on top.  Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

It All Matters

Petrified wood that appeared on fire. Bear Creek Hiking Trail a couple weeks ago. Ouray Colorado.

It all matters more than you think. Live your life as if everything matters and you will be on your way to a bright future. Every up and every down has great meaning in your life and others around you. In every corner of your life, every moment of your time, every struggle in your life all consist of where you are now and where you're headed. Without one or the other we would be truly lost. So don't be so quick to push away the bad that occurs. Use each moment in time wisely and seek out each lesson. Real success comes from who you are, you are your own actions. Every actions is very important in shaping your life. Keep your actions alive by understanding that everything matters. The sooner you realize this the easier your going to find it to reach your goals. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. After all, it all matters.

God Bless

Friday, June 10, 2016

Set Some Limits

Navajo Lake Colorado last July 2015

We often hear advice like “live in the moment” and “the time is now.” These are wise words and being mindful of the present moment is an excellent way to live well. However, getting everything we want when we want it is not necessarily good for us. It can make us complacent and lazy. Instant gratification is tempting and, in this day and age, easily attainable. We have access to fast everything information, food, technology, entertainment. We don’t have to exert a lot of effort into fulfilling our desires and, in many cases, we can purchase goods and services in an instant that will gratify our every requirement. What we don’t consider are the lessons and benefits we miss out on when we don’t delay fulfillment. We experience personal growth when we work harder to achieve satisfaction. We also take for granted the value of aiming for long-term goals and drawing benefit from the process by which we reach contentment. we don’t have to deprive ourselves of the good things in life in order to achieve balance. It’s simply a matter of restraint and mindfulness—being conscious about the decisions we make and having boundaries. In a luxury and technology centered world it is easy to become detached from our core values and the important things in life. We start to give priority to superficial things: objects, material wealth, acquisition, and appearance. We discard the need to acknowledge the future and possible consequences for our actions. We don’t consider waste, damage to our health or the environment, or other possible adverse effects of our immediate actions. Our dissatisfaction with short-lived pleasure causes our needs to be magnified the next time we seek fulfillment. This can often lead to disastrous and largely unforeseen costs like addiction. There are many examples of this. Overindulging in food, alcohol or drugs, technology such as the internet, gaming and gambling, even seemingly harmless indulgences like shopping or body image through diet and fitness can become obsessive and have counterproductive results. That doesn’t mean we have to completely discard our opportunities to enjoy these things. We just need to have limits and we need to be aware of how we do things and how much or how often we indulge. That is the difference between living our life and wasting it. So start today by setting some limits. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Make A Better Life

This little girl was hanging out in a dandelion filed this past weekend.

To start making a better life you must first stop worrying that your life hasn’t worked out the way you expected it to be. Don’t spend time worrying about what you haven’t done yet and instead just enjoy life – things will come to you in good time. Next Spend less time working. Life at a young age can be very career-focused and we believe that, to be successful and happy in life, we should be working hard and clocking in those hours. Sometimes we spend too much time putting work first. You start to realize that precious moments with loved ones are much more important than sitting in the office and making money. Those special moments that you're missing out on are gone forever. Take more chances, we tend to become overly cautious in our decision-making. One reflection is not having lived a little more. Travel the world, pursue that dream job or do that bungee jump! Don’t feel afraid to chase exciting opportunities, pick a dream and fulfill it today. Invest more time exercising and being healthy The anti-exercise and bad eating habits we tend to adopt when we’re younger can carry on into the later years and it’s this time in life that these bad habits are harder to drop. It’s more difficult to get into shape once we’re a bit older so establishing a positive attitude to exercise and healthy eating will serve you well. Start today making a better life for you and the ones around you. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless