Sunday, January 13, 2019

Break Free

Break Free

Everyone without a doubt goes through changes in their lives whether it be a physical state or a mental state of emotional maturity, or regression in some cases. They all nonetheless signify change, yet some of us seem to embrace it better than others. Does fear of uncertainty kick in and you start wondering if it’s too much sacrifice that you have to make? Perhaps you think of staying put where you're at. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever been in a situation where you know that things just aren’t working out? Whether it’s in your personal relationships or career development, you’re feeling somewhat stuck and unhappy with the way things are. Well the good news is, that as our society continues to develop at such a rapid pace, it also means we have more opportunities to do things that were previously thought impossible if you were of a certain age, or past a certain phase in life. These days, more individuals are pushing the boundaries and breaking stereotypes.
I’m not just talking about age. Sure, age is only a state of mind–a social construct that should not determine or limit your capabilities and ambitions. But there’s more. It goes beyond external factors like time and age. It’s about you, and your ability to accept challenges and having the determination to break free from your existing situation.  Don’t become that person who let’s life pass them by only to regret it when you’re retired or way into old age. Don’t let your life plateau and waste away in the daily grind for the next twenty years. Don’t give up on the potential you still have hidden and locked away by your current state. So start pursuing the things you wanted to do your whole life, without giving up on your current roles and responsibilities. Rewind your outlook and bring your energy and motivation back to when life was still full of dreams and possibilities. But this time, actually start to achieve them. That's right you can do it and don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

Cinnamon Bear and her cubs- East Portal in the Black Canyon, Colorado