Friday, February 1, 2013

Reality Check

Camping at Ridgeway last summer.

Every once in a while we all need A Reality Check.The world is the way it is and you are the way you are so what can be done about it? Are you going to dwell on the past? Wish you could go back in time? Or even stop today in it's moment. This is all a waste of time. The sooner we realize that time moves in one direction the better off we'll be. Time moves forward and only forward. Are you going to sit around and wait for someone else to solve your problems for you? If so your going to fall further behind. Are you going to waste energy because you feel you have been treated unfairly by life? If so the negative outcomes will increase.It's your choice to make.You're in this state because you have chosen this road. So why not choose to be positive? Why not wake up to a Reality Check? Except the way things are and start doing something about them. It doesn't really matter who's fault you think it is. It doesn't really matter where you have been or where you are now. What really matters is the choice is yours where you go from here. Use this day to improve yourself and others around you. Improve your situation right now. It's never to late for a Reality Check. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way.Take a moment today to tell a friend or loved one how much you appreciate them in your life.

God Bless

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