Saturday, April 20, 2013

Excepting Failure

Panorama sunset on our lake 4-17-13

Excepting failure in not always easy or pleasant. However failure is a fact of life and it's a must. Failure should remind you to keep going and never stop. Failure is a product of trying harder and reaching higher. And higher is always a better direction to go. We must learn to except failure and use it to our advantage. Never try to create failure or avoid it either. Often the path to success will have a little failure along the way. A little failure will bring a little more substance to any accomplishment. You can't truly enjoy the value of the good things if you have no experience with the bad things. Life is so great because it can be so difficult. If you never fail then your goals are not set high enough. If you don't experience new challenges on a regular basis, your ability to succeed will become weak. So don't be afraid of failure and except that it will happen from time to time. Continue to dream big and go after your dreams. Reach for the moon,if you fail you will still be amongst the stars. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

God Bless


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