Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Be Strong

Another pic from Camp Red Cloud last week. Near Lake City Colorado.

Today is the day to be strong. You have more strength than you could ever imagine. Combine what you know with some confidence and your on your way. Being strong when facing a difficult situation is not a matter of skill or ability, it's a choice that you are free to make at any time. Life can be difficult, unfair and demanding but you have succeeded in the past and you will succeed again. Life can be tough and painful but this is why it can also be wonderful and fulfilling. Without the challenges life would be boring. The good times would not be so great if we did not have to be strong and work for them. When life is getting you down the best choice is to be strong. Hold your ground and stand tall. When you get knocked down, be strong and get back up. Keep getting back up again and again. No matter the situation choose to be strong and before you know it you will be on top once again. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy hump day everyone and thanks for visiting my thought for the day.

God Bless

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