Saturday, January 25, 2014

Don't Stop Yourself

A beautiful morning below Morrow Point Dam last Monday.

Don't stop yourself today or tomorrow. In the past you have stopped yourself more than you can ever imagine. We often make excuses why we can't do something. We stop ourselves before we even get started. Some times we  even place blame on others why we can't achieve a goal. This is again stopping yourself from doing what should and could be done. Stop holding yourself back and get busy with the task at hand. Having doubts have no value to you or others around you. No mountain is to high, no goal is unreachable. The only limitations that can stop you are the limitations you place on yourself. You have to let go of those thoughts and carry through with what you intended on doing. Stop holding yourself back, take action today. Don't stop yourself from rising to the top. Stay positive and stay focused, you can do it. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. I hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday and thanks for visiting my thought today.

God Bless

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