Monday, April 14, 2014

A new day to fly high

A great blue heron flying across our lake.

Today is a new day to achieve your goals. Today is the day to obtain greatness, a new day to fly high. Perhaps you weren’t as effective as you could have been, and didn’t discipline yourself as much as you could have. But that was yesterday, and this is a new day. We must move on and stop living in the past. Every shortcoming and every disappointment is now in your past. Though their effects may linger for a while, now is your opportunity to start moving beyond them. You’ve learned some painful, yet valuable lessons. Now you can put those lessons to positive use. This is a new day, with opportunities for you to act in new, more meaningful and effective ways. This is when you can work to transform your past experience. Embrace this day, for now you're free to create more good and meaningful substance in your world and others. Move forward remembering the right and wrong decisions you might of made. Use those moments to propel you forward. It might seem so far away but it's actually at your finger tips. Right there just reach out and grab it. Remember to choose to make big problems small and don't sweat the small stuff. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. I hope everyone had a great weekend and an even better Monday.

God Bless

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