Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Be Strong

Sunset on our lake the other night.

Be strong is not only possible but it's a must. Life will always have it's challenges, so learn to take them head on and be stronger than them. We all have the ability to be stronger if we simply make the choice to do so. Except each situation as it is and get busy working through them. Turn each problem into a solution and work towards the next task that lies ahead. With every problem there is an opportunity for growth. Life without opportunity or growth would be boring and dull. Don't try to be free of problems because that will never happen. Don't waste your time searching for a worry free life because that's not reality. Use your time to be stronger and rise above the problems. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. A great Tuesday this was and tomorrow I'll be stronger than I was today.

God Bless

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