Monday, July 28, 2014

Life's To Short

A beautiful day fishing the upper end of the Black Canyon on Saturday.

Life's to short in deed. No one knows the time we will have but most agree it's to short. So while your here,why not make the best of it? Why not live with happiness and no regrets? You can be allot happier if you choose to be. No matter what hand you are dealt you can choose to be happy. Let the silly little things that normally bother you pass on by. This will reduce the stress and ease life a bit. Imagine how life would be if half of your frustrations were gone. Well you can let them go if you choose to. Free up time and energy by not sweating the small stuff. This will allow you to work on the things that really matter. No matter how difficult a situation might seem you have the power to work out a solution and move on. By worrying and complaining you are doing nothing but stalling. You're making the situation worse and wasting the energy that should be directed to fixing the problem. When a problem arises ask your self is it really that big of a problem? Is it something I need to fix now or just let it go forever. Allot of the little things that are let go never surface again. So why spend the time worrying about the little things? Be firm about what matters and flexible about what doesn't.  Don't waste your time or energy on the little things and your life will suddenly be extended. Life's to short in deed so get busy on what's important. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

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