Monday, August 11, 2014

Where You Live

Our beautiful Colorado River.

 Where you live is up to you. I'm not just talking about your physical location either. Your state of mind, your thoughts and how you handle your surroundings is up to you, regardless of your physical location. However you are where you are for a reason. You might not understand this reason but that's OK. You can still choose to have a positive outcome. This is all controlled by your thoughts, actions and attitude.We often think that where we live is determined by outside sources. Or by the people around us. This is not true because you have a choice to live where ever you want. It all starts with your decisions in life. If you're not happy with where you are then make different decisions. Perhaps change your thoughts. Choose to live where you can always see positive possibilities. Choose to live where your thoughts and actions are not disrupted by negatives. Make sure you are in a place where your actions are focused on whats important to you. Find a happy place where the negatives bounce right off a place where you have the best possibility to succeed. The best place for you is where you live. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy Monday everyone and thanks for visiting my thought today.

God Bless

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