Sunday, November 9, 2014

Limit Your Anger

Late fall near Lake City Colorado.

Limit Your Anger. There will be many experiences in life that are out of our control. There will be many things that will cause anger. It might be something someone says. It might be the acts of others. However the amount of time you choose to hang on to the anger is totally up to you. How you react and the choices you make while being angry will often reflect you and others around you. What we fail to understand is that our anger hurts us more than the others around us. When your focus is on being angry your not much good for anything. When you first feel anger coming on let that be a reminder to quickly let it go. The sooner you let it go the sooner you can move on. Anger can be good in calling your attention that something needs to be changed. But anger itself is not very helpful in making the correct change. So instead of acting out of anger. Stop for one second,take a deep breath and plan your next move. Limit your anger and,you will be glad you did. Life is to short to sweat the small stuff. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. I hope everyone has had a great weekend and an even better week ahead.

God Bless

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