Friday, January 9, 2015

Make A Difference

The south side of the San Juan Mountains near Greyhead Colorado.

You can make a difference if you choose. You are the difference if you want to be. Every moment in each day is an opportunity to make a difference. You can make a difference in your life as well as others around you. Stop wondering what the difference might be and start moving forward today. You are here and you are putting in the effort so you might as well make it great. Choose to focus on the positives and not worry about the negatives. Follow your dreams without worrying of failing. Stop wondering whether or not you can do it. Make a difference and find out that you can succeed. You can do anything you put your mind to, so start making a difference today. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. Thank you again for making a difference in my life with your positive thoughts and continued support. As always thanks for visiting and sharing my thought today.

God Bless

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