Monday, March 23, 2015

Take Time To Relax

A nice spring Colorado Day.

Take time to relax once in awhile. Great achievements can be made with persistence and effort. However you must take time to re-energize your engines. If your not taking time once in awhile to relax then your actually working harder and putting unneeded pressure and stress on yourself. You're spinning your wheels faster than you need to. Sure you might feel the need to finish a job and start a new one. But pushing yourself over the limit time and time again only leads to exhaustion and in the long run it takes longer to get the job done. If your tank is only half full you will be bogged down and run out of gas before the end. By re-energizing yourself you can tackle the task full steam ahead. You can use all of your knowledge and be quick on your feet. You will have the energy to overcome any obstacle. More than likely you will finish the job in a shorter amount of time and expend less energy. We often fail an achievement because we started off on the wrong foot to begin with. So take the time to relax, smell the flowers and take in the beautiful world around you. Start off on the right foot and give yourself the best possibility to succeed. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. Speaking of relaxing only 15 days left in the ski season here in Colorado and one of my jobs will slow dramatically. Then school ends in May so it will be my time to relax a bit and enjoy life. I have a few trips planned this year and a new camera is on the horizon. Looking forward to capturing some new pictures for all of you. Thanks again for visiting my thought today.

God Bless

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