Monday, June 29, 2015

Be Successful And Be Happy

This little girl had her eye on us yesterday while we were fishing.

We often define success and happiness with money. Being financially secure certainly can help open opportunities, relieve stress, and offer some piece of mind. But successful people realize that all the money in the world cannot make you happy if you are unable to feel happiness from within. Some of the most miserable people I've met have been wealthy. To be happy start each day with a plan and a purpose. What you do mentally, physically, and spiritually sets the tone for the entire day. Next practice progress over perfection. By understanding it’s not about achieving one perfect goal, but the skills you develop from reaching several goals, you allow yourself to make constant improvements while living a life of accomplishments you can learn from and be proud of. Next keep in mind that there is energy in everything, and that includes human beings. It's easy to absorb negative energy when you are around toxic people who are always complaining, procrastinating, and making excuses.
So surround yourself with positive people that will inspire you to be successful.  Don't concern yourself with what others think of you and or how they judge others. Develop your own  values, goals, and principles without having to depend on anyone to validate them. Lastly don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way. Work on these few things and you will find yourself a much happier and successful life.

God Bless

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