Monday, January 16, 2017

Kick Start Your Day

Our beautiful San Juan Mountains viewed from Bear Creek Lodge, Mountain Village CO. 1-15-17

How many times has this happened: you have a great weekend, you’re ready to go for Monday morning, and then something happens and it all hits the fan. You’re behind before the week even begins and you’re in a super bad mood. It really shouldn’t be this way, but this is the reality of life. Well I have good news for you. This happens and will happen but why not make it a little bit easier by doing a few simple things. Start off by having a plan. Perhaps it's a daily devotion or a morning workout. If at all possible try not to skip any of these things that fuel your body. Next set some goals everyday. We know that goal setting is important, but lots of folks think in terms of setting long and short range goals, not daily goals. Start by making a list the night before of the things that are priority accomplishments for the following day. If the first 3 get done, you’re good. If more get done, that’s an added benefit. In order to set daily goals, you have to plan for obstacles. That means you may have to say no to certain distractions or requests. It means you may have to delegate duties to others. If you have trouble doing these, you need to be curious as to what’s driving that. Next be flexible, We all love to plan. But when our plans go up in smoke, we have to flexible and come up with creative ideas to make things work in the moment. Flexibility requires that we learn to control our emotional responses. We can’t go around freaking out when things happen because guess what? They will. Start the day before with these couple of things and kick start your day. Always keep your head up and don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

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