Friday, June 24, 2011

Life is Good

Life is good. Life is what you make of  it. I have a dear friend that is having a hard time right now. Are you having a hard time? Is life letting you down. Well we all have those days and sometimes I think its good to step back and look at your situation. Is life really that bad. NO. If you turn on the TV, or look around you there is always somebody much much worse off than us.Happiness comes from Spiritual wealth. Not Material wealth.
Happiness comes from giving not receiving.If we try hard everyday to bring Happiness to others you can't stop Happiness from coming to you. Read your BIBLE. Its the key as well. Bible stands for Basic Instructions Before Life on Earth. Yes it can and will guide you.And most of all SMILE. a smile goes a long long ways. Remember we all are needed and we all have a purpose so live life to the fullest. So this day is quickly passing. Do something rich and fulfilling with it.This opportunity you have, has no limit. Dare to dream your biggest dreams, right now, for now is when you can live them.Don’t concern yourself with appearing impressive, or with appearing any other way than  you do. You are beautiful. You are the way god made you for a reason.Give yourself fully to being authentic, for that is where the real richness is.Fall fervently in love with all that is now, and all its value will be yours too. Stand in awe of the possibilities, and be carried along with the very best of them.
Fully enjoy the breathtaking wealth of living that this very day is now bringing to you. All the goodness you could ever think to hope for, is ready for you to create.
The real richness of life is in you today. Let it lift you ever higher.
Don't sweat the small stuff. And most of all. Don't live in the past. Or even in the future. Live for now.
God Bless and to all a good day. After all Its Friday.
Today's words were from me and my heart. Enjoy