Monday, December 26, 2011

From the Heart.

The view looking out my Dads front door yesterday.

Often our ego's get in the way when dealing with every day life. We are quick to react with ego and ignorance instead of from the heart.Instead of reacting to petty superficial things with emotions and ego.Choose to react to lifes challanges from the center of your being. Your Heart.Supporting the demands of your ego will use up all your energy,time and resources. Your ego might often promise you pleasure but at the end it will rob you of the real joy that you are seeking. Your ego will provide a hallow image where your heart will provide you with the strength to concour any obstacle that crosses your path. Choose to be guided by your heart. I hope every one had a wonderful Christmas and gave far more than they received.
Less than a week until we start a new year. Start by letting your heart guide you. Smile always and forgive quickly.
God Bless

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