Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Problem Is

A chip monk stuffing it's face, watching us on our hike to box canyon falls yesterday.

The Problem Is. We often get confused when a problem arises.Our first instinct is to place blame on others when in fact 99% of the time the problem is within ourselves.The problem is not the way we are treated by others.The problem is the way we allow others actions to affect us. The problem isn't what has happened in the past.The problem lies within yourself in letting the past hold you back. You will never solve a problem by trying to change others. But you can solve most problems by making a change within yourself. The problem isn't a situation that you are in. The problem is how you choose to interpret the situation. Choose to have an open mind and choose to make a change within yourself.Suddenly you will be on your way to solving any problem. Be confident that you have made it this far and hold your head high.There is no problem you can't solve if you put your mind to it.Yes in deed, The Problem Is. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy Tuesday everyone. Thanks for visiting my thought today.
God Bless

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