Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Count Your Blessing

Picture taken last fall, can't wait for fall to return in a few weeks.

Count Your Blessings. Take the time today to count just a few of them. Stop what your doing and do it right now. Here is the real challenge though. Do not count one material thing. Because those are the things that don't really matter. Forget about the house, car, or anything that you had to buy. Because it could all be gone tomorrow.  A good place to start is with life itself. The opportunity to live and learn. The beauty that's all around you. Consider your family and friends that truly care about you. Most of all your Faith. The joys that you have experienced and the things that you have to look forward to. Think of these very things that you are so grateful to have received. Dwell on these for a moment and how blessed you are to have acquired them. The more you are thankful the more will come your way. The more we focus on positive the more positive things we will be blessed with. Take the time today to thank a friend or loved one for being in your life. Be thankful for just being alive. Take the time to Count Your Blessings today and everyday. Let's not forget this day 9-11 . No matter what's going on in your life, keep in mind it could be much worse. Think of the people we lost on this day 12 years ago. Send blessing to the family's and there loved ones. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

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