Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Clear Path

A panorama reflection on Blue Mesa Lake a couple weeks ago.

Clear A Path

In order to be more confident in your decisions and therefore be strong enough to dismiss what others say, creating a road map of where you want go and how you’re going to get there, will bring more stability and less insecurity. By doing this, you will care much less about what other people are doing in comparison, or what they think about you. Start with a list of goals, note where you are now in relation to them and write out an action plan for how you can achieve them. You can make a one week plan or a one year plan. Whatever you feel comfortable with on any subject and you’ll start to feel a sense of moving forward. Self-improvement is a wonderful way to focus on ourselves but often we tend to self-improve when the chips are down in certain areas of our lives. However, it can lead us to ignore other areas such as work, learning or relationships. Focusing on more than one area will create a feeling that we’re establishing abundance overall which, in turn, will stop us from feeling lack and causing us to compare one area of our life to someone else’s. Write out a list of how you can improve each area of your life – perhaps learning something new for a dream job, an exercise routine to get healthy or improving your social skills in order to make new friends. Do a little bit at a time for each area and you’ll soon grow more and more confidence in yourself and where your life is heading. Now you are on your way with a clear path. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

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