Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Love What You Have

Rainbow, Mesa Verde National Park last week.

Gratefulness and appreciation for what we have may sound like a crazy way to achieve happiness, but in doing so you are training your mind to focus on the abundance in your life rather than what is lacking. When we focus on lack, we feel like failures. In fact, by doing this we are only making comparisons with others who are on a completely different path from ourselves. True appreciation for the people and things in your life will help you to realize just how much you do have. Whether it’s small things like the roof over your head, food in the fridge, a great friend you can talk to about anything, or having a hot shower every morning – it’s these things we tend to overlook and only notice when we don’t have them. Loving what you already have will instantly create feelings of fulfillment and abundance and will decrease the amount of time you spend dwelling on what’s not yet in your life. Focusing on the abundance rather than the lack isn’t about giving in. It isn’t about just accepting a bad situation and desperately trying to be happy about it. It’s not about accepting it’ll never change – it’s about shifting your perspective to a more positive one. Loving what you have is cultivating the feeling that you have everything you need while accepting that you’re always moving forward and that therefore every situation is temporary. It will diminish the feeling that you should always try to chase after something you don’t yet have while creating a better feeling of fulfillment and abundance for everything present in your now. Don't forget to love always, forgive quickly and smile along the way.

God Bless

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