Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Choose To Feel Great

Geese landing at sunset on the lake the other night.

Choose To Feel Great.I'm sure you have told yourself to not feel great a time or two. I'm sure others have given you a reason to not feel great.Well these are cop outs and excuses.You can still choose to feel great no matter whats going on around you and in your life.The first step is putting all those excuses behind you.The next step is staying positive.By doing these two things you are on your way to feeling great.You can choose to do this no matter what others think of you.No matter what others do to you.We all have this power but we often choose to not exercise it.No one can tell you different and you don't need permission to feel great.So let yourself feel great.Count your blessings and be thankful for what life has dealt you.Be thankful and remember that no matter whats going on in your life there is always someone that is much worse off.Yet if they choose to Feel Great they can in deed do so.So why not Choose to Feel Great today. Right now stop what your doing and let go of all the negatives and Choose To Feel Great. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way.
God Bless

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