Friday, December 28, 2012

A Great Day To Live

A rustic bridge down by the river. A nice place to take a walk or throw a line in.

Today is a great day to be alive.A great day to live. In fact it can be the best day yet if you choose to make it so.Today is here and now and is filled with opportunity and challenges.Challenges that will grow and strengthen you.Opportunities that will propel you forward.Today and every day you choose how it will begin and how it will end.So make the best of it.Make wise decisions and be happy about the outcome at the end of the day.After all it is up to you to decide which path to take today.What road you choose to travel will have allot to do with the outcome tomorrow or even further down the road.In each day there is beauty you just have to stop and see it.Don't get to caught up in to much work or life's drama.The true beauty of life will pass you by if you do.Think of all the opportunities that are right in front of you.All you have to do is reach out and grab them.Get up and do it now.Be thankful that this day is yours and be sure to make the best of it.Today is a gift waiting to be opened.So open it and live life to the fullest.Be happy to be alive and show your gratitude by making it the best day ever.A great day to live.Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way.Have a great Friday everyone.

God Bless

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