Thursday, December 6, 2012

Choose Your Happiness

Panorama Sunset in Ridgeway CO. the other night.

Choose Your Happiness.If you choose to find happiness in every situation happiness will always be by your side.Happiness is not just for the lucky ones. It's always there and ready for the taking if you choose to reach out and grab it. Happiness is not the accumulate lots of items or things. It's merely finding the truth in needing less. If you choose to be happy with less you will automatically open up more opportunities to be happy.Happiness is not received from others.True happiness is produced within ourselves. Happiness is not always getting your way but by choosing happiness more things will go your way.Don't limit yourself to one certain situation for happiness.Open your mind and your heart and let happiness flow your direction.Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy Thursday everyone.

God Bless

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