Saturday, July 9, 2011

Be Thankful

One of my favorites. Blue Heron flying over the lake.
You cannot lose because you already are. Many of those things that seem like needs, are nothing more than comfortable habits.
Abundance is a beautiful and limitless blessing. Yet when you impose needs on that abundance, you make it into a burden.
If you worry about what you will lose, the worry itself creates the loss. Rather than being so worried about losing it, put your thoughts and energy into using it.
When you feel the worry beginning to take hold, make the choice to overwhelm that worry with gratitude. When your thinking gets bogged down with needs, open yourself to more positive possibilities.
Instead of needing to prove you’re right, choose to be lovingly and generously truthful. Instead of needing vengeance, choose the freedom of forgiveness.
You cannot lose what really matters. Don't sweat the small stuff and be thankful for today. Don't let  yesterday waste any of today. To all a have a great weekend.