Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get Started Now!

If you worry about whether or not you have enough time, you certainly won’t have enough time. Just go ahead and get started.
If you wait until conditions are ideal, you’ll be waiting forever. Instead, go with what you have, from where you are, and you can make it work.
If you make yourself dependent on the support and approval of others, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Be you, be authentic, be great in your own unique way, and let others think and say what they will.
There are plenty of powerful excuses and rationalizations. Yet the only thing they have the power to do is to stop you.
Nothing has the power to hold you back unless you choose to let it hold you back. Choose instead to find a way, and to live life on your own terms.
Going only with what’s easy and comfortable will soon bring you a whole lot of painful regret. Instead, go with what is great and beautiful and meaningful, and fill each moment with the richness you deserve.

Life's to short to sweat the small stuff. Life's to short to delay start right now. Start today. Don't miss out on something because you delay or make excuses why not to go ahead and do it.
To all a great Thursday.