Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Value others opinions even if you disagree

(Picture is of my Garden and Arbor)
Let your feelings be your choice. There’s no need for the twists and turns of circumstance to hold your feelings hostage.
In each moment, let your outlook be determined by your highest expectations. Observe the world from a positive perspective, and you’ll see the most valuable possibilities.
You never have to be dismayed in an attempt to be realistic. Though reality is what it is, you always have the choice of what to make of it.
It is easy to think you need to feel sorry for yourself. It is far better, though, to avoid the waste of time and energy that your self-pity would produce.
Your feelings are powerful, and they are yours to choose. Whatever may happen, you always have the option of dealing with it from a position of strength.
In every challenge there is great potential value. Choose to feel powerful and positive. Do let your feelings out but be ware if you trust your heart 100% you often will be misled. Your heart can and will misslead you. It often will overide what is right or what you would normally do. Don't hold others hostage with your beliefs. Listen and value each others beliefs but don't down one for there own feelings or beliefs. We are all different and all have different beliefs thats the way god mad us and that's what makes us unique and speacial. Don't be scared of the outside world with so many different religions, beliefs and ways we sometimes for get the value of others opinions and or beliefs. So we lock ourselfs inside away from others to steer clear of these challanges. I choose to take them full on.Though I might not always agree with others opinions or religions. I value them dearly. Remember we let love happen. It will if we don't fight it and always remember you fall into love by chance not by chioce. We fall out of love by choice not by chance. So next time someone says something or believes something that you don't agree with., Put that smile on and say I value your oppinion but that's not how I see it. Choose to use your strentgh in the moment and a positive perspective and life will come much easier.Also remember that friendship and relationships are a give and take commitment. It can't always be one sided or one way for this to work to find someone that is going to believe in evey belief you believe in you would have to find your clone. It's not possable.
Life is to short to sweat the small stuff.Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret Anything that made you smile The best things in life are free until the government finds out and taxes it. Don't forget to smile.
Happy Hump Day everyone.