Thursday, July 28, 2011

Choose to Make Life Good

Picture taken by me last night. Reflections our our lake looking back at our house. Another beautiful Colorado Night.

Show life today how good it can be. With your attitude and your actions, prove to the world that life is very much worth living.No bad how life seems to be. No matter how much it can drag you down. Remember theres always somebody else that is much much worse off than you. 
Do you long to experience real, substantive hope for the future? Then be the living embodiment of that hope with the way you conduct your life.
Is it naive, or even cruel or insensitive to expect the best when things are at their worst? No, because it is precisely from those sincere, positive expectations that life-changing improvements come. It all starts with staying possitive.I often use the words don't sweat the small stuff. Well what if your problem is not small. What if your problem is major. Well only you choose to make it as big as it is. Choose to make it a small problem even if it is big.You could be dying, Your kids could be sick,You could be starving, Your house could burn down the list goes on and on. When weighted against other problems that others are having your problem suddenly is not as big as originaly thought.Even the smallest light can break through the darkest darkness. And that will enable other lights to shine. Finding that light stars with being positive.When there’s no good reason to be positive, be positive anyway. Yes, you can do it, and it will truly make a  difference. Remind life of how good it can be. And make more and more of that goodness in your world.Life is to short to sweat the small stuff.Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret Anything that made you smile The best things in life are free until the government finds out and taxes it. Don't forget to smile.
To all a great Thursday.
God Bless