Thursday, July 14, 2011

Opporrtunity Of Disapointment

Sometimes a disappointment can be the best thing that could happen to you. It’s difficult when things don’t work out as you expected, and yet it can also be a source of new opportunity.
A cold, hard dose of reality, in the form of a disappointment, will sting at first. And then what happens is, you get stronger.
Disappointment will bring you face to face with some of your most pivotal weaknesses. That provides you with the awareness and the opportunity to grow stronger in ways that really count.
The experience of ineffectiveness will often help you see new ways in which you can be more effective. When you’re clear about what doesn’t work, you are closer to understanding what does work.
There is positive value in every experience. That is especially true when it comes to disappointment.
Look at the disappointment as your chance to come back even stronger. Then pick yourself up and do precisely that.
Don't sweat the small stuff and live life for everyday that it is not what you vision it to be. Live,Love,Laugh and most of all SMILE! Have a great Thrusday everyone.