Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Better Person

One I took of the sunset over our lake as some geese were coming into land for the night.

Be A Better Person. No matter what's going on in your world, good or bad you can always choose to be a better person. You've heard of the saying always room for improvement. So true in deed.Be a person with many thoughts,desires and dreams on the inside. Be a better person on the outside by your actions,relationships and gifts in life. You have the choice to be who ever you want to be.You have the choice to do what ever you want to do. So make good use of these choices. Use these choices to your advantage.Make the right choices to insure living your life the way you want to live it. Give your dreams the dedication they deserve and they will come true the way they are meant to be.Be a better person and life will be wonderful.Be thankful for what you have and never quit working towards what you desire.The best way to start is being A Better Person. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way.Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween and an even better Thursday.

God Bless

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