Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Shine Your Light Bright

I took this picture of a pond below Ridgeway Res. A beautiful place for a walk.

Shine Your Light Bright. Even on a cloudy day you can choose to shine your light bright.In fact when things are dark your light will be much brighter if you choose to shine.Even in the darkest times a small positive thought can lift you up higher than you can ever imagine.Shine your light in the darkest of times and even as dim as it might seem it will be noticed by others around you.Step into the moment and just do it.Don't worry about what is wrong or what might go wrong.Think what you can do to make it right.Did you know that 85% of the stuff we worry about never transpires.You will increase that percentage by shining bright and staying positive.Once in a while we need to step out of our boxes.Live a little.Don't get stuck in a box where no one can see your light.On your down days let your dreams lift you up.On your up days let them push you even faster and further than you can imagine.Yes in deed,shine your light bright. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy hump day everyone and thanks for visiting my page today.

God Bless

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