Friday, November 2, 2012

It's Up To You,To Be Happy

A duck taking off from the river. I took this as the snow was melting this past winter.

It's up to you to be happy.It's easy to be miserable but it's just as easy to be happy.Being miserable will support your ego but being happy will bring you inner peace and power.Choosing to be miserable can be very complicated and disturbing.But being happy will bring you freedom and joy. Also at times others might be suspicious or even resentful towards your own happiness.Once you have chosen to be miserable you will find that it's much harder to stay in that state of mind than it is to be happy.Being happy will bring you power and a positive outlook on life.At times we all get in a funk and look at how bad things are.Instead you should focus that energy on making things better and finding happiness.I think at times we often set the bar to high for happiness. It doesn't take much effort to reach the bar if you put it in reach.You must make the decision every moment of your life to either be miserable or be happy. It's completely up to you to and your decision to make.So climb out of your funk and start today by choosing to be happy.Remember no matter how bad things might seem someone always has it worse than you.So hold your head high and your shoulders back with confidence.It's Up To You,To Be Happy. Don't forget to love always,forgive quickly and smile along the way. Happy Friday Everyone, hope you have a great day.

God Bless


  1. Something happened to our family once and I spent about 10 years truly being miserable...I decided one day that I had had enough wallowing in sorrow and I wanted my life to be different. It wasn't easy but I am happy now, and try to share that happiness with other people every day. I love your photos and your blog!! You talk about what's important.

  2. Thank You Patsy for the kind words.I try to talk about real life issues that either have happened to me, are happening to me or others around me. :) And that is great that you are once again smiling.
