Sunset last night looking out our back door.Beautiful
You won't always have the best. But you can make the best of what you recieve.You won't always get your way but you can always choose to make your way forward.Even when the situation is not perfect you can choose to make the best of it. Even if the outcome is not ideal you can choose to make it ideal.Instead of wishing what it could of been or how it should be,choose to deal with the way it is. Instead of choosing to place blame choose to make it a path to move forward.Remember only you have the power to choose where your headed no matter of where you have come from or have been. Don't wast time worring about what has already happened. Spend that energy choosing where your headed.So no matter what comes your way. No matter what cards you are dealt make the best of them.Value is not created by avoiding the challenges. Its created by working through the challenges.Always taking the easy road is less satisfying than taking the correct road. Always live to take the correct road if at all possable.No person,possestion or circumstance will make you happy.Yet you can obtain happiness by the way you choose to live.Stop waiting for someone or something to make life easier for you.Choose to create your own happiness. As the anniversay of 9-11 nears watch out for one and other. Always remember we are one nation under God. Give to others and except what is given to you.Be safe and have a great Friday.Remember to Laugh uncontrolably,Never regret anything that makes you smile,and choose to take the correct path not always the easy path.
God Bless.
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