Saturday, September 3, 2011

Only You Can Change It.

Another beautiful sunset last night on the lake. The colors are amazing.

Only you have the power to control your life. I get so tired of hearing people blame others for there mistakes.Now there are some things out of our control. Hurricanes,Tornados, Earthquakes, and sometimes health issues. But other than those and a few others we control how our life turns out. It's often easy to blame others. Start today. Stand up and take responsability for your actions. If you don't like whats going on then perhaps it's time for a change.If it takes time, Then spend the time. If it takes effort then make the effort. If you don't then you have nobody to blame but yourself.If you don't know how then learn how. If you need help then ask for it.When something changes your path or knocks you down. Get up and head in the right direction.Don't make excuses and don't except any from others.Take control of your life and deal with it as it comes.Spend less time complaining and more time living.Being positive is where you begin. If you think about it everytime we make an excuse its negative. I promise you with a negative excuse will come a negative result. It's just the way it is. Remember to live,love and laugh. Don't sweat the small stuff. Choose to point your life in the correct direction. And never,never,never give up.Don't take for granted one moment it's later than we all think. Forgive quickly,Laugh uncontrolably, and always smile.
Everyone have a safe and fun holiday weekend. Hang those American Flags high and proud. God Bless our troops in uniform. Miss you Jo Jo.... Call or mail soon.
God Bless

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