Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't be a hater,Make yourself usefull to yourself and others

Don't be a hater.When someone says something you don't like or agree with especially if its hatefull turn and look the other direction. By acting on hateful words you are being sucked into being a hater yourself. Instead turn that negative energy into possitive energy.Make use of the time being wasted on negativity.
If you want to feel more positive, more empowered, more confident and encouraged, then be usefull. Making a difference for others makes a big difference for you. What’s a powerful way to maintain an authentic positive outlook? It’s by getting busy and making a positive difference in life. When you feel useful, everything feels better. When your awareness is wrapped around making a difference, there’s no room for frustration, anxiety or resentment. Being genuinely useful brings out the best in you. Making a positive contribution gives you a more positive perspective.Believe it or not the haters in the world are doing the same thing but the only way they no how with negativity.Don't bother your self or waste time on what others are doing especially if you disagree with what they are doing.It's there life and they can do what they please.This is why we live in USA. So don't get trapped being a hater. Many of your most powerful desires stem from a deep, underlying desire to know that your life matters. Being truly useful is a great way to satisfy that fundamental desire. Make yourself useful. And make your world a more fulfilling place.The haters just haven't learned how to do this so they continue on. So sad in deed. Learn to love and value your time and turn it into possitive energy insead of sweating the small stuff. It all starts witha  smile. Life is short,remember to break the rules,Forgive quickly,and never regret anything that has made you smile. To all a blessed Tuesday.
God Bless our troops in uniform and there fanmilies. Also I have a dear friend in the UK. Dealing with the riots and looting.Her art work has been destroyed and it's just not fair. Thank god your ok. Prayers to you all.Prayers to the haters too as they need the as well.
To all a good Tuesday,