Sunday, August 21, 2011

A full time Job.

A goose landing on our lake.

I don't know if you have been informed but life is a full time job. Don't take one minute for granted.God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. I suggest that you use the time given wisely. I would say use one of the seconds to thank him. Use another to thank the ones that are in your life.Choose to use the leftover minutes to improve your well being and others around you.
If you quit before the work is completed, the work you’ve done is wasted. Honor the time and effort you’ve already put into it by finishing what you started. If you plant a seed, and water it just for a few days, and then stop, you might as well have never planted it. Remember to direct your focus again and again toward those things you’re committed to completing. Being inspired for a few minutes or for a day or two feels good. Being inspired for a lifetime is what actually achieves good  results. Then remind yourself again, and again, on every day, in each new situation. Then commit yourself to staying connected. Don’t settle for just a few moments here and there of brilliance.Choose to make every second count. Make life’s richness a full-time thing.Life is a full time job and if you quit early your boss will not be happy with you.Put in a little extra effort today. Tell a loved one that you love them. Tell an stranger or enemy that you care.Then take the gift of time to move your life forward and reap the rewards. Remember to never regret a second, Break the rules once in a while,Laugh uncontrollably,and forgive quickly. To all a blessed Sunday. Have fun and be save.
God Bless

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