(Picture taken by me near Blue Mesa,Colorado)
Only worry about what you have conrol over.Don't wast your time on things you have no say in.
If you depend on some particular thing, or person, or situation for your happiness and fulfillment, you’re setting yourself up for problems and dissapointments. When you depend on what you cannot control, you open the door to fear, anxiety, disappointment and other negative experiences.
However, the world outside of you can indeed provide your life with great richness.Don't misunderstand as friends are a great thing to have and one can't have enough good friends. So although you don’t want to be dependent on it, you don’t want to ignore it either.The best way to end dependence is with acceptance. Instead of depending on what you cannot control, peacefully accept lifes ups and downs in whatever comes your way.By choosing to accept life as it is, you can benefit from your experiences without being imprisoned by dependence. Acceptance puts you in control of your own happiness and direction.Acceptance frees you to enjoy each moment for what it is, without being burdened by worries about what might or might not come next. Acceptance enables you to be more responsible and effective in following your own path to fulfillment.
Accept life in all its many forms, and gently let go of the dependence that would bring you down. End your dependence, and free yourself to live. Life is to short to sweat the small stuff. Remember to break the rules now in then,laugh uncontrollaby, Forgive quickly, And never regret anything that makes you smile. Keep smiling friends.I am so thankfull to be where I am today. I have made it by excepting life for what it is and concentrating on what I can controll. Then throw in the great friends and family I have I am so blessed. Happy Wed, Yes Hump day is here. We made it. To all a great day. My blog and pictures are on there way to being published. I also am working on a new website that will have my new business,Rocky Mountain Designs.Designs,Business Cards, Websites Pictures, blogs and Printing.Thanks to Montrose Printing Center for giving me the inspiration to make this happen. Look for the publication in resturants,Hotels,Airports,and Hospitals soon. You will also be able to sign up. Of course for free to have the daily blog delivered to you inbox daily. Thank you to my friends and family too. :)
God Bless