Sunday, August 14, 2011

Loose the Ego. Live Life

A beautiful day in Ridgeway CO. Im going back today there is an arts and crafts festival in the park with over 150 vendors. Im going to see if I can sell some of my pictures.

Release your limitless imagination from your limited ego. And allow the achievement of whatever you envision.It is your ego that creates doubt. It is your ego that manufactures excuses.It is your ego that gets in the way everytime. Don't listen to your ego put it a side from time to time and live life to its fullest.
Your ego holds your imagination back, and prevents you from achieving the fulfillment you truly desire. Yet you can choose, with love and positive intention, to let go of that confining, limiting ego.
Stop weighing yourself down with judgments about what you think you need.Judgements about others and the way they live. You have a whole beautiful, limitless imagination with which you can envision and fulfill what you truly desire.Who you really are is infinitely more valuable than anyone you could ever pretend to be. Allow authenticity to direct and inform your words, your actions, your priorities and your goals.This is only possable by loosing the ego. Then stand up, step forward, and begin to truly live that vision. Happy Sunday everybody. Remember to break the rules once in a while,Laugh uncontrollably,Forgive quickly,and never regret anything or anyone that makes you smile.Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,And sometimes your smile is the source of your joy. God bless our friends in the UK and our soldiers in uniform fighting for our freedom. 