An eagle flying over our lake a few days ago.
Yes there is such thing as being beyond busy.Sometimes you can actually get more done by slowing down.Take a break breath and enjoy life a little.When you rush through each day your thoughts get scattered.You do a little bit here and a little bit there and then come back and do a little more.This might keep you busy but you will get little done.The energy we spend running back and fourth does not allow any energy for the task at hand that should be completed.So once in a while stop and ask yourself what's the rush? The value you create is not measured by how much you can cram into a set amount of time.The value you create is measured by the quality of results that are created by you once a project or goal is obtained.Except the fact that your not going to get it all done at once.Take joy in giving each goal or dream the time needed to accomplish it correctly and fully.Also except the outcome no matter what the outcome might be.At least you can say you gave it your all and allowed it the time needed to finish.By doing so skys the limit and you will get much satisfaction out of the goals you have set out to accomplish. Thank you lord for accepting me and loving me unconditionaly.Also we often forget to apply this to our every day lifes. Remember you fall in love by chance not by choice but you fall out of love by choice not by chance. Remember to love someone perfectly for there imperfections.Instead of loving the perfect person imperfectly.To all a blessed day
God Bless
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