Monday, January 9, 2012

Don't make excuses

Taken at the Ice Festival Saturday,Ouray CO.

Don't make excuses.It's very easy and human nature to make excuses why not to do something.No matter what the situation there's always some excuse that will lead to doing nothing.There's no reason to argue with them either because it will only lead to more and even bigger excuses.Choose to hold onto your thoughts and act on your dreams.Make your dreams meaningfull and dream big.Dream bigger than the excuses.Say you can instead of you can't.Live for the now and take action now.If your dreams are really meaningfull dreams then no excuse will persuade you.Continue moving forward and continue on your path to following your dreams.Block out the excuses and once you have accomplished your goal you will have forgotten about the excuses. Dream big and smile always. To all a great week.Remember to Live,Love and Laugh.Forgive quickly and continue forward.
God Bless


  1. This is very nice Jason. So many people make excuses and do not accept responsibility for their actions.

  2. You are so right LaDonna.I am guilty of this as well.We have to learn to put the excuses aside and just do it...
