Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year.. Welcome 2012

I took this picture down the street from our house on my way home from Ouray CO. a couple days ago.

Let me start off by wishing everyone a Happy New Year and welcome to 2012. This year I am predicting it will be the best year ever. The reason I say this is I won't except anything else.2011 was an amazing year for me and Im sure we all had are share of up's and downs. For those who know me personaly know that I started all over. After loosing pretty much everything I had worked for in CA for over 10 years and seeing the state that my mother was in I made the life change and moved to CO. It's been a big change and I have done some real sole searching and have grown in many ways. One being this blog. I never thought that I would be able to inspire people and myself by writing my thoughts on a website. I also have taken my photography to another level and have really enjoyed learning about myself and others along the way.Speaking of this blog I want to thank everyone for visiting it. We reached over 1000 visits in less than a year and I am truly greatfull.This year I have some goals and I will not stop until I reach them. I am working on a Website that will promote my blog as well as my new business that is a work in progress. I will be offering my pictures for sale and of course the blog will remain free. I will continue to seek a publisher and are designing a flyer that will be distributed to Airports,Hospitals,Resturants etc. I also will continue to expand my designs and promote the new business which will be called Rocky Mountain Designs. Next I have let my health slide as I felt the need to relax and slow down a bit. So I will get my blood tests up to date and start working out again.Then theres Mom. I am so proud of her in what she has acomplished this year.How ever she has hit a wall which I expected.So I will lift her up and get her over that wall. I have met some wonderfull people and some true friends here and are very thankful for them letting me into there lifes.Those who have done so know it's not easy to move to a small town and make friends.Thank you all and you know who you are. Next I need to start using Spell Check.. amen to this LOL. So Let's settle for nothing less than the best in 2012.Remember a few things as you go through the days and nights. Forgive quickly. Love always and never let anyone tell you different.Smile always and never let others try to persuade you to change your mind.Do what you know is right for you. Live,Love and Laugh.
God Bless

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