Friday, January 27, 2012

Let each step guide you

I just walked down to the lake to clear my mind and took these 4 pictures and stitched them together.
Lol. It makes the lake loook like a real odd shape.

Let each step guide you.Our lord has choosen a path for us all and if you resist it you will never find happiness.You might not understand the direction he is leading us in but rest assured he knows what he's doing.Don't put off joy until the end.Live each step of the way.Don't settle for a fraction of fulfillment.Reach out and be totally fulfilled.As we travel down our bumpy roads we call life we should use every moment as an opurtunity to find fulfillment and joy.How we handle the pebbles in the road is what truely makes us who we are. Except your friends and family for who they are.You can spend a whole life time looking for that one perfect person.However how many imperfect persons will we pass up that might fullfill our every dream.Don't be afraid of the what we don't understand.Don't jump to quick to try to understand something.Let it transpire into what he want's it to be.By jumping to conclusions we are often wrong and make the wrong decisions stearing us down the wrong path that should of been.To all a blessed day and thank you for visiting my blog today. I think I might just turn my computer off,Turn my phone off.Grab my camera and drive until I run out of gas.Not being afraid of the paths I will take.After all remember where ever you go.. There you are. LOL. Did I just say that.Oh dear Im loosing it.Smile always.
God Bless

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